2017 Goals

The end of the year is almost here. There were so many things that went great for me in 2016. I think, my best friend marrying me is the most obvious. Also, my blog launched, and my health improved. However, I am looking forward to 2017. 2016 was a stepping stone. 2017 will be full force ahead. So I have set some major goals for the upcoming year. My hope is that focusing on these major goals will lead me to complete a major amount of my smaller goals. More than anything, I want these goals to get me closer to who I would like to be. We often times set lots of goals for ourselves and when we fall short, become discouraged. I am hoping to eliminate this problem by giving myself reasonable, yet profitable goals.

What are some things that you would like to do in 2017? Create a list of things you would like to tackle, then pick out the most important you want to focus on. However, remember this, it really is the effort that counts. Fixating on these goals, past productivity into stress will only counteract your overall goal. We often focus too much on tasks and loose the overall objective because we are consumed with quantity over quality.

Goals are just that, goals. Create them for you and only you. If you fall short that is okay, just try your best and inevitably the results will come.

I’ve shared my goals with you guys below! I hope you guys go into the new year feeling productive and successful! Best of luck!
2017 Goals

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