Categories Lifestyle Corner

What I’m Liking: Netflix and Hulu

Looking for something new to binge on Netflix or catch on Hulu? Feel like you’ve seen it all?

Last month I covered some things that I was currently liking in home decor. My hope was to maybe shed some light on some cool ideas and trends. This month, I’m going to continue with by sharing what I’m liking as far as netflix, and hulu. If you’re anything like the average young person today, you rely on netflix, hulu and youtube for entertainment. Buuuuut those sources are limited and it starts to feel like there’s nothing new to watch. So, here’s what I’ve been watching!

Netflix and Hulu

The OA

The only thing I can promise about this series is that you will definitely have questions. It’s just intriguing enough to make you want to go to the next episode. The premise surrounds around a young girl who returns home after years, thought to have been taken. When she left she was blind but could see when she returned. It takes you on the story of what happened in the years she was gone and upon her arrival. I’d say watch it but don’t expect to be left satisfied with answers.


This is an old show from a couple of years ago but its an interesting premise. It essentially shows the interconnectedness of everyone in the world and how often our actions affect one another without us knowing. It’s a bit monotonous  if watched back to back but an episode here and there is nice.

Hurricane Bianca

Ok, this one is a movie but its hilarious. If you’re of fan of Bianaca Del Rio’s you’ve more than likely seen it. I’d heard about it but just got around to watching it.  It’s short but it’s something to give you a few giggles while passing some time.

Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things

I feel its only fitting for this to have popped up in my suggestions on Netflix. I strive really hard to make sure everything I bring into my life adds value and not just takes up space. My husband and I feel much happier when we make a contentious decision about the things we spend our money on. This documentary focuses less on how to be a minimalist or what defines minamlism and instead shows how it has impacted lives. I firmly believe that there is no right way to be a minimalist.


I just started this series so I can’t really say much. If you haven’t notice the trend, I don’t tend to watch shows when they first come out. I’m not patient enough to wait a week between episodes. With that being said, I know this show is old but just in case you’re like me and like to wait, you might not have seen it . I will say so far, as a history nerd, it is interesting to see this take of historical fact and mythology morphed into a story.


Bones is one of the few shows that I am willing to wait a week for, especially considering it’s in its last season. I think my favorite thing about the show is the interesting storylines behind the crimes and the supporting characters relationships. Admittedly, the title character is not my favorite, she had to grow on me. It’s a very good show to just put on whether you want to proactively watch it or just put it on in the background.

Sleepy Hollow

This is probably my favorite right now. Sleepy Hollow mixes the supernatural with history and gives it a fun spin. If you’re familiar with the original story of  The Legend Sleepy Hollow , this is an updated version with a huge expansion. I highly suggest it even if you aren’t a history buff. Firstly, because demon butt kicking its pretty much always entertaining and most importantly the lead character Ichabod Crane is *cough* some good eye candy *cough*.  And! Bonus! Bones and Sleepy Hollow actually have done crossover episodes!



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