What I’m Liking: Hygge


So I’m sure that if you have been anywhere near Pinterest in that last few months you have seen the millions of posts floating around about Hygge. However, in case you have managed to miss the trend let me give you a quick overview. So, I first heard about Hygge (pronounced Hoo-gah) a few years back but it was in a passing glance kind of way. I think I read maybe one or two articles, thought it was cool and then forgot about it. With this new resurgence, I of course, came across it again. When I did, I was quickly reminded how I liked the concept but for some reason, maybe because I’m older now, this time it resonated with me.

Let me explain, Hygge doesn’t have an actual English definition. It’s more of a feeling or a sense. If I had to describe it in words it’s the implementation of things into your life that give you a sense of pleasure and coziness. It revolves around focusing on the simple pleasures, less distractions and more love.

When I came across the concept about two months ago I decided that this was in complete accordance to what I’d been trying to implement into me and my husband’s life for years. Having it laid out for me just helped. Honestly, most of it we already did. The mindset I was able to set for myself through reading several articles and short essays was what really helped.

Once I decided to do Hygge, I instantly felt my stress levels drop. So, for this months What I’m Liking I decided to share what I’m liking so far from my Hygge lifestyle change.

More Candles

The first thing I decided to do was to burn my candles! I know I’m not alone here when I say I tend to buy candles and then try to preserve them forever by not burning them. It’s obviously counterproductive but it seems to make sense when I buy them? I want to keep the scent available for as long as possible, and honestly some are just too cute to burn. Hygge imphasizes the use of candles. They create a sense of relaxation and hominess and help with the next topic. So in addition to burning the ones I had, I went out and grabbed a few more!

Less Harsh Lighting

Okay, go with me here. Creating a feeling is often about setting a tone or an atmosphere. I’m not sure if you guys have noticed, but it’s a lot harder to feel cozy with blaring overhead lights on. Many of the Hygge instructionals speak on this and it made sense to me. I’ve started turning my overheads off and using more lamp and candle light. When I’m done with my work for the day, lights go out. This immediately created a shift in the mood in the room.



Reading More

I’m already a big fan of reading but I’ve been making excuses about housework and blog work and whatever else instead of taking the time to read. I’ve been forcing myself to take more time out to read. Reading gives me pleasure so there is no reason I shouldn’t be doing it. I get relaxation time and I get away from the computer and the T.V.

More Sitting in Silence

Usually, when I’m done reading I take the time to just sit in silence and reflect. I developed a habit of this years ago and got out of it. For some reason, we fear our own thoughts. The reality of it is, we need time alone with ourselves. You will be amazed what just 10 minutes of reflection can do for your overall mood. When I sit I get a chance to observe my surroundings, think about that things that I’ve been putting off or just to slow down my mind.

Turning Off My Electronics

In addition to reading more and taking time to think more, I’ve gotten into the habit of putting away my electronics sooner and not going to bed on them. I haven’t perfected this but I’m up to a couple of nights a week. For obvious reasons this has made my life feel a lot less complicated and cluttered. We all have heard the benefits of unplugging so I won’t bog you down, but just know it has helped.

Healthy but Comforting Food

Probably the most fun implementation so far has been my attempt to eat better. Not necessarily better in the sense of healthier but better in that the food brings me pleasure. I try to keep it on the healthier side. Hygge focuses a lot on food because it’s a certain constant in our lives. Food brings families together, brings pleasure, and is necessary. Anything that can be done to make this process more enjoyable will always make you feel better.


Buying More Plants

I’ve always been an advocate for plants, especially hard to kill plants. First, because of the color and life they bring into a room, which I cover in my adding personality to monochrome spaces post. My second reason for advocating for plants is they bring a small amount of  responsibility. Like my bullet journal, taking care of my plants forces me to stop, take moment and get involved in something that isn’t technological or involving other people. It’s incredibly rewarding to take care of something and see it thrive.

Drinking More Tea

I’ve replaced my morning coffee with a cup of green tea. I did this for more reasons than just Hygge, but it has been helpful. A good hot cup of tea is always comforting. It brings a sort of peace and calm. Drinking a nice cup of tea also allows you to have a moment of calm. If I need another moment like this I will make another cup of tea later in the day.

Grabbed Some New Pajamas

The last thing I did was go out and get a new set of comfy PJ’s. I was tired of walking around the house in old t-shirts and shorts. I grew up in coordinated PJ sets and I always feel more put-together when I wear them. Especially since I work from home, I made sure to get some that appealed to me visually and made me feel nice and comfortable. It’s a small task but that’s somewhat the point to Hygge. This small act gave me so much simple pleasure.


Guys, we all are very much aware that we live in a fast paced society that just doesn’t facilitate slowing down and enjoying simple things. This concept is a way to balance that, and it has been proven to work. Look into it. You don’t have to make it your entire life, but I’m willing to bet that anything you try from it will help.

1 comment

Phebes says:

Very good info. Thanks for sharing!

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