Categories Lifestyle Corner

You Should Have A Car Emergency Kit (And Here’s What To Put In It)

Snow Day

Hey guys! It’s a snow day here in Birmingham, AL. What that means is everything shuts down, people forget how to drive and lots of icy roads, very little snow. The snow will probably be melted by the morning but by then the damage is done. Sadly, during this type of weather there are several accidents.  I figured this would be the perfect time to share something I created for myself, a car emergency kit checklist.

I created this car emergency kit checklist to make sure I keep on top of having these things in my car. Some of them are for comfort but some of them could save your life. I think everyone should have at least some emergency resources in their car. We like to think those types of things don’t happen often and don’t happen to us, but why not be covered just in case right? Build the kit up over time, grabbing the essentials first. Grab the things you care to have and take inspiration from the others. Some of the items you will have to replenish or replace which is why I personally plan to print this out and laminate it, keeping it in the glove box. That way I can mark off when I use something or remind myself to replace an item.

I have broken it into categories so that should help sort through it. At the top are the things I think everyone should have on hand, no matter what. The Just4U section is for the controlling neat freaks like me who just like to have certain accommodations always at hand. Beneath that are the things that can benefit you in the winter. Things such as kitty litter in case you ever need traction to move your car. And at the bottom are the maybes. These are just a couple of things to consider, but aren’t necessary.

I know this isn’t the most exciting post, but I think we tend to take things for granted often and if anyone who reads this benefits from it, I think this post is worth it.

On a lighter note, take this weather and make the best of it! Snuggle up and try to stay warm. I’ve already made a big batch of chili and am about to commence a movie night. After all, we only get 1-2 good “snow days” down here!

Also, there is a printable version accessible below if you’d like to keep this handy. Best of luck guys!

Car emergency kit

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