Young & Married: My Top 5 Favorite Responses To “You’re So Young”

If you don’t know, I married my husband in September of last year. We were 23 on our wedding day, turning 24 the following month. As expected, we received several comments and responses when we told people we were getting married. Some were intentionally passive-aggressive, and some were just misguided and underthought comments. Some people don’t mean to be rude, others are miserable with their own life and feel snappy comments will bring you down to their level.

Here’s the thing, some people do things with their own lives that do not affect you in any way nor do they cause harm to you. Soooo, if you don’t agree with these things, you should probably just not talk. I know I’m coming off snappy, but what two consenting adults decide to do with their life is not of any concern of yours. If you don’t agree with two people getting married at what you consider to be a young age, don’t go the wedding. Honestly, you’ll probably save them some money. :/

Nevertheless, if you get these comments, you’ll want an appropriate response. You can be nice, and laugh it off. You can inform the person that you and your spouse have been together for nearly six years, live together, manage your finances and plan for the future, which is more than anything they’ve accomplished in a relationship*side eye*. OR, you can use one of my five favorite sassy responses!


  1. “I know!” It gives us so much more time together!” I mean seriously though, can we focus on the positive for a second. You see being young as a lack of experience, but this also means more time to figure it all out, together, madly in love.
  2. “Yeah, it’s amazing what being secure in your relationship can do!” This one is to remind people that they cannot create a sense of insecurity in your relationship with one off-handed comment. If you’ve decided to get married, more likely than not, you have weighed this decision heavily. Also, turning a certain age will not magically make you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone.
  3. “It’s amazing, especially considering how many people wait and still get divorced.” Here’s the thing about relationships, the people in them have to make them work. Age, while it can be beneficial in some ways, doesn’t automatically make a marriage work. So, with the quickness, remind them that waiting until a magical age will not make your marriage last.
  4. “What Do you mean?” “Whats wrong with that?” or “And you mention this because?” Force. Them. To. Say. What. They. Really. Mean. These responses force someone who is trying to be sly and underhanded to actually say what they mean. Play dumb or be direct, either way, put the ball back in their court.
  5. Blank stare! Sometimes, silence is the best response. If you leave someone alone in the awkwardness of silence post rude comment, it can speak volumes. You’re saying, ” I see what you’re trying to do and I will not dignify it with a response.”

Guys, I don’t say this to make you go out and be jerks to people. It is all in good fun honestly. If you want to say it, say it. What I’m really trying to get you to see is that people will always have an opinion. Either roll with it, have fun with it or teach them a lesson. Either way, don’t let it bother you. It’s impossible to live your life for everyone else.

Also, if you’re getting married soon, enjoy it!! Don’t let people rain on your love parade.

Happy Saturday guys!


This post includes affiliate links. I know that can be discouraging to some but all opinions are my own, honest opinions. Girl Scouts Honor. 


1 comment

Myke 😎 says:

Well said! 🙌🏿☺️

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