Book Review: Chronicle of a Death Foretold

book review of Chronicle of a Death Foretold

A man returns home 27 years after a murder took place in his home town. The entire town heard twin brothers proclaim their intention to murder one Santiago Nasar. Why? The brothers’ sister had named Nasar as her first lover after her husband returned her to her family on their wedding night. So, the question presented is, if the brothers announced their intent to the majority of the town, why didn’t anyone stop the murder?

January & February Book Reviews: Howl, Mythology, & Harry Potter

book reviews

So, we are starting this year with more book reviews! I received some great responses to the few I did last year, so I am making them a regular thing on the blog. Just as a preface, everyone does book reviews differently. Personally, I choose to give my initial but broad thoughts on the works. I do not, and probably will not, go into great detail. I don’t want to create any spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read the book! If you have read it and want to discuss in detail, we can do that outside of the comments whether through email, social media, whatever!  With that out of the way, let’s get started.