Reset Your Productivity in 3 Quick & Easy Steps

Even the most productive of beings sometimes get in a slump. Productivity can be exhausting and sometimes you can run out of smoke without even realizing it. Suddenly you can’t focus or finish your to-do lists. When I get into this type of slump I reset myself in three steps. It’s simple and doable.

I often feel like these “how to be more productive” posts list off a long list of things that aren’t easy to implement over night. Then, when you’re busy trying to be superwoman you get overwhelmed by your attempt at productivity, which is sorta counterproductive.

This is my very much so simplified version. When you get into these types of slumps its more than likely an indication that you just need to slow down and refocus, which is easier said than done. So, here’s what’s been working for me.


Stop! Take A Real Rest Day.

We like to say that we’re taking a rest day and simply slow down. Take a full day to retreat and relax. Pamper yourself and stay as far away from your work as possible. This is the time to do some self care. Take a long bath, eat your favorite food. Do what you need to do. But, don’t think about anything work/productivity related. If necessary, distract yourself. You can read a book, go to the movies, or go to the park. Get away from anything that will counteract your rest.

The Night Before Set Out Your Goals And Tasks

Take a few moments before you go to bed and set out some broad stroke goals and a quick to do list. Don’t spend too much time on this, you don’t want to end your day by getting sucked back into anxious thoughts. Your goal is to get motivated and set a positive mindset for the next day. This way when you wake up you can be mission oriented and set off your productivity in the right way.

On days where I plan on resetting, I plan out my complete morning. This means breakfast, lunch, snacks, breaks, etc. I plan my day out so that I have a schedule to help boost my productivity and help me stay on tasks with my goals and to do list. So now, I’m refreshed and I have an idea of what I’m attempting to get done. Productivity comes when structure meets motivation.

Place Visual Reminders Around You

Finally, I place visual reminders around me. I’ll place a screenshot of my goal on my phone so that every time I get distracted I can see it. I also place a post-it on my laptop. Anything or anywhere you feel will remind you of the goal. You can even place reminders of the smaller daily goals and the overall life goal. Anything that reminds you of why you need to be productive instead of doing what you want should get the job done.


This isn’t another step but more so a suggestion. If your one day of rest doesn’t feel like enough then accept that and take another. Don’t beat yourself up thinking about what you could be doing or getting done. More likely than not, you still wouldn’t be getting it done or at least not efficiently.

Mental health is so often overlooked but it plays a huge role in our daily lives. Making sure you’re stopping from time to time to give yourself time to reset will increase your overall productivity and keep you sane.


Midge says:

The visual reminder of the screen as motivator/reminder is excellent.

CourtneeRedeaux says:

Glad you like!

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